Paul Babcock

Gordie and my St. Francis teammates had a tremendous influence on me, also. We suffered through a lot of low times but I learned how to bounce back from defeat through Gordie’s coaching. I hope that I can pass onto the young men I coach the same type of life-long...

Bob Miller

Ah! The “Great One.” Well, I’ve been teaching and coaching at Gordon Tech High School in Chicago for lots of years. I try to pattern my practices after Gordie’s. I got the chance to visit with him twice in the last month at St. Francis. He is an amazing man. He still...

Mike Feminis

Gordie motivated us all on a daily basis. And he motivates me daily even today. Let me give you an example. Gordie hated, and mean hated, to punt – even deep in his own territory which is extremely risky. We would fail to get a first down deep in our own territory and...